I decide to create this blog because I love listening to inspirational speeches by important and influential figures. I believe we can learn a lot from these people by just listening to their speeches as often they talked about the challenges they faced and the paths they took to get to where they are today.
As a person who is still trying to figure out many aspects of life, I find it very inspiring and helpful to listen to the speeches of these people. Through them, I will be able to know the many characteristics that are necessary for a person to posses in order to succeed in their chosen field. At the same time, I can learn from these people many invaluable life lessons, like how to handle failures and success.
Here are the rules for my blog:
- There must be something different for every post.
- For each post, the speaker must be from different field/ area of specialization.
- For each post, I must always at least quote one meaningful quote or sentence.
- All the videos that I post must be either inspiring or humorous.
- Proof read, spell check and word count.
- The 1st paragraph of the post is reserved for my own summary of the speech.
- Link to the videos of the speeches is a must.
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