Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Rahm Emanuel-GWU Commencement 2009

This speech is given by the former White House Chief of Staff and Chicago Mayoral hopeful, Rahm Emanuel. In this speech, Mr. Emanuel is telling his audience how his two major life setbacks taught him to learn from his mistakes and about humility. I find it very inspirational that someone who is as famous and influential public figure, like Mr. Emanuel showed a lot of humility in telling his audience how his failures lead him to success.  

“You will have failures in your life, but it is what you do during those valleys that will determine the heights of your peaks.”                                                           

Mr. Emanuel started his speech in a self-depreciating way by making a joke about how his parents would be very amazed and proud of him knowing the fact that he was awarded honorary doctorate. He also jokes about being awarded honorary degree in the field of linguistic for his work in ‘four letter words’, as it had been widely reported in the media that Mr. Emanuel has a bad temper.  I think this is a really great way to start a speech as his 1st joke kind of relate to his main audience, which are the parents and the graduating students. He uses his 2nd joke to make the graduation ceremony to be more informal and I guess to make fun of his negative public image, which I think most of the audience already knew.            

The main part of the speech is when Mr. Emanuel told the audience how his childhood near death experience taught him in life he has to be serious and not reckless. He then went on to tell the audience how he was forced to learn humility and wisdom after he lost his dream job as a political director of Bill Clinton presidency. I think this part is very inspiring as the way he handle his shortcomings and failure really shows the great role model he is. I believe it is especially difficult for someone who has a huge ego like him to suffer such humiliating setback and then work his way back to the top again.                                    

“Sometimes you have to give up something you cherish to be part of achieving something even bigger.”

He concluded his speech by telling how everyone can play a role in making America to be greater country and make a difference in the life of others. Mr. Emanuel encourages his audience, the graduating students in particular, to serve for greater cause through volunteering in the various organizations and he even use his own situation as an example. Overall I think this speech is really refreshing and enriching, as it mixes both humor and wisdoms.

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